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Newest CompTIA 220-1002 dumps Q&As


A customer keeps receiving the following message: Website blocked due to PUP. The customer asks a technician to resolve the issue immediately. Which of the following should the technician do to help resolve the customer\\’s issue?

A. Check the customer\\’s computer for a rogue antivirus.
B. Update the antivirus software and run a scan.
C. Advise the customer to not revisit the website.
D. Enable pop-ups for the website the customer is attempting to visit.



A company has decided that all remote users need to use two-factor authentication to increase security.
Several remote users have reported losing the RSA token and have replaced it several times.
Which of the following is the solution for these users?

A. Use biometrics instead of the RSA token.
B. Remove the RSA token requirement for any user that has lost an RSA token.
C. Give the users with lost RSA tokens RFID badges instead.
D. Attach the RSA token to the lid of the laptop.


A user is unable to get to any internal websites but can access some external websites. Which of the following will MOST likely resolve this issue?

A. Uninstall and reinstall the browser.
B. Confirm the proper proxy settings
C. Disable the firewall
D. Disable and re-enable the network adapter.


Joe, a user, notices someone using his computer while he was on break, Joe\\’s browser history reveals searches for websites he did not visit. The local print also has a document in the output tray with someone else\\’s PII.

Which of the following steps should Joe take to prevent unauthorized access to his account?

A. Lock the desktop while he is away
B. Change his password
C. Implement login time restriction
D. Change the default administrator password


Which of the following Windows XP locations or utilities contains startup commands for programs that are currently running?

C. Task Scheduler
D. Task Manager


A technician is troubleshooting an issue affecting all company laptops. All the laptops have exactly the same hardware.

The screens present glitches every time the users move their mouse pointers over the screen. The technician discovers there was a recent OS update deployed throughout the company, which includes new versions for video drivers.

Restarting the laptop in safe mode will not present the issue.
Which of the following should the technician do NEXT?

A. Roll back the video card device drivers for all computers and escalate the issue to the video card vendor.
B. Remove the current video drivers from all computers and advise users to work this way until the issue gets fixed.
C. Advise all users to work in safe mode until the issue gets fixed and escalate the issue to the video card vendor.
D. Reinstall the OS on all devices in the company to eliminate any traces of the current video drivers, then rerun the updates manually excluding the video drivers.


A large corporation wants to secure its wireless network so only employees can connect. Which of the following technologies should be used to control access by user account?



Which of the following types of scripts would be seen on the user end of a web page?

A. .bat
B. .js
C. .sh
D. .vbs


Ann, a user, is experiencing issues trying to decrypt email on a new mobile device. She is unable to access internal resources, but she can get to the Internet while connected to the WLAN. Ann can also decrypt email while using a desktop computer. A technician notices she has several authentication errors when connecting to the WLAN.

Which of the following is MOST likely causing the wireless issues?

A. There is an incorrect certificate on the mobile device.
B. There is no wireless connectivity.
C. Ann is using an incorrect password.
D. The email application is not working correctly.
E. Ann\\’s user account is disabled.


Joe, a technician, recently built a new gaming PC for Ann, a customer, with two hard drives configured in RAID 0. Ann calls and states she was playing a game online and the computer shut off. Now the computer will not boot. Which of the following is a cost-effective way to correct the issue?

A. Remove both drives from the RAID array
B. Reformat both drives and reload windows
C. Replace both of the drives and load windows
D. Replace one of the drives and rebuild the array


A technician is reinstalling Windows for a user and wants to keep the user\\’s files and settings. Afterward, the user notices that personal files are no longer available and settings have been restored to default. Which of the following did the technician MOST likely execute to cause this issue?

A. System reset
B. System update
C. System Restore
D. System refresh


Which of the following steps should a technician take FIRST to prevent an electrical hazard when repairing a PC?

A. Put on an ESD strap.
B. Place components on an ESD mat
C. Disconnect the power before servicing the PC
D. Place the PC on a grounded workbench

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The most important thing to pass the A+ 220-1002 exam is to get the latest exam 220-1002 dumps pdf, study hard and practice diligently. You can trust Pass4itSure.

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