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An organization\\’s servers are experiencing performance degradation from oversubscription of memory in the virtual
environment and exhausted physical RAM.
Which of the following cloud computing characteristics would BEST address the issue?
A. Availability
B. Elasticity
C. Pay-as-you-go
D. Self-service
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following types of risk is MOST likely to be associated with moving all data to one cloud provider?
A. Vendor lock-in
B. Data portability
C. Network connectivity
D. Data sovereignty
Correct Answer: A
A company is migrating a legacy application to the cloud. Two C-level executives are currently engaged in the initial
stages of the migration, and they are planning a rip-and-replace approach.
Before initiating the project, the FIRST step should be to identify:
A. the required network performance.
B. the key stakeholders.
C. the desired CSP.
D. the required cloud services.
E. the required amount of storage.
Correct Answer: CD
Which of the following cloud migration methods would take full advantage of the cloud computing model?
A. Rip and replace
B. Lift and shift
C. Phased
D. Hybrid
Correct Answer: D
In a DevOps environment there is a requirement to start building application solutions in an efficient manner without any
dependent components. Which of the following should a DevOps engineer do to meet these requirements?
A. Build the applications in QA, and then enable resource tagging.
B. Build the applications in QA, and then clone and deploy them in production.
C. Use templates for building the applications.
D. Use templates and enable auto-scaling.
Correct Answer: D
A business analyst is drafting a risk assessment.
Which of the following components should be included in the draft? (Choose two.)
A. Asset management
B. Database type
C. Encryption algorithms
D. Certificate name
E. Asset inventory
F. Data classification
Correct Answer: AF
Which of the following is a cloud service model that organizations use when their third-party ERP tool is provided as a
complete service?
A. Public cloud
B. SaaS
C. Hybrid cloud
D. IaaS
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following would be expected from a security consultant who has been hired to investigate a data breach of
a private cloud instance?
A. Incident report
B. Application scan results
C. Request for information
D. Risk register
Correct Answer: A
A cloud systems administrator needs to log in to a remote Linux server that is hosted in a public cloud. Which of the
following protocols will the administrator MOST likely use?
C. Secure Shell
D. Virtual network computing
Correct Answer: C
A human resources department is considering a SaaS-based human resources portal and requires a risk analysis.
Which of the following are requirements to consider? (Choose two.)
A. Support
B. Threats
C. Chargebacks
D. Vulnerabilities
E. Maintenance
F. Gap analysis
Correct Answer: AD
Which of the following can be used to achieve automation, environment consistency, and standardization of computer
resources in a cloud environment?
A. Content management system
B. Automation
C. Service-oriented architecture
D. Infrastructure as code
Correct Answer: D
An online retailer wants to ensure its inventory for the holiday season is correct. The company does not have a large IT
infrastructure or staff to collect and analyze sales information, customer analytics, marketing information, or trends.
Which of the following cloud services will help the company analyze these metrics without a large investment in human
A. Containerization
B. Big Data
C. Microservices
D. Blockchain
Correct Answer: B
A project manager is interested in the notification process a CSP follows after discovering a breach of customer data.
Which of the following is MOST likely to provide the necessary information?
A. Communication plans
B. Incident response policy
C. Service level agreement
D. Access controls
Correct Answer: A

These practice questions will help you improve your grasp of concepts covered by the CompTIA CS0-002 exam.

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