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Free CompTIA CV0-002 dumps with real exam Q&A


Which of the following tests would be MOST appropriate when over allocate storage on VMs in a development cluster?
A. Penetration testing
B. Vulnerability scan
C. Latency testing
D. Bandwidth determination
Correct Answer: C


An administrator has recently moved all VoIP to a CaaS offering. In order to ensure that VoIP traffic remains separate from the rest of the data traffic, which of the following MUST be done?
A. All VoIP traffic needs to be VLAN tagged
B. The CaaS CSP needs to create a new subnet
C. The CaaS CSP needs to create a private VPN
D. All VoIP traffic needs to have QoS
Correct Answer: A


A company is seeking a new backup solution for its virtualized file servers that fits the following characteristics:
1. The files stored on the servers are extremely large.
2. Existing files receive multiple small changes per day.
3. New files are only created once per month.
4. All backups are being sent to a cloud repository.
Which of the following would BEST minimize backup size?
A. Local snapshots
B. Real-time backups
C. File-based replication
D. Change block tracking
Correct Answer: D


An administrator, who operates a public cloud, has been tasked with implementing a secondary data center for failover purposes. Immediate replication has too much of an impact on the WAN link during production hours. Which of the following is the BEST option?
A. Asynchronous replication
B. Storage deduplication
C. Cold site failover with offsite archiving
D. Site mirroring
Correct Answer: A


A number of VMs in a host are experiencing processor contention, showing down operations Which of the following host hardware upgrade paths would yield higher VM performance, for the same VMs in the given hypervisor host?
A. Replace CPUs to move from 32-bit architecture o 64-bit
B. Replace CPUs to move from 64-bit architecture to 32-bit
C. Replace CPUs to increase current core speed
D. Replace CPUs to increase CPU core count
Correct Answer: A


Which of the following network optimization techniques would be MOST appropriate far more efficient delivery of frequently accessed websites?
A. Implementing load balancing
B. Installing a caching server
C. Placing devices on the same subnet
D. Implementing compression on the webserver
Correct Answer: B


In an IaaS model, to which of the following methodologies would the client apply a list of OS patches, assuming approval from CAB has been given?
A. Using a patch management system, identify the hypervisor type, select a group of hypervisors to be patched, and perform a rolling application of patches.
B. Using a patch management system, identify the guests that require patching, and select and apply the patches.
C. Using a patch management system, identify the applications needing the patch, select the required application in a patch management console, and apply the patches.
D. Using a patch management system, identify the services that require patching and select and apply the patches.
Correct Answer: A


Which of the following would be used to establish a dedicated connection in a hybrid cloud environment?
Correct Answer: D


The fault-tolerant design allows a host to overcome a single HBA failure through:
A. clustering
B. UTA pairing
C. multipathing
D. NIC teaming
Correct Answer: A


Host A and B can both access LUNs one to ten in a single SAN LUN 11 have been created and Host A can access it but Host B cannot. Which of the following will likely be the cause of this issue?
A. Faulty fiber HBA
B. Incorrect HBA WWPN
C. Incorrect HBA software version
D. Defective HBA
Correct Answer: B


Which of the following is a hardening technique that an administrator would perform when creating a standard VM the template that would be used for deploying servers in a production environment?
A. Create a standard user account
B. Disable unneeded services
C. Establish a performance baseline
D. Follow change management process
Correct Answer: D


Government agencies currently operate their own websites, each with its own directory services. There is a mandate to minimize IT administration. Which of the following should the cloud services architect choose to BEST meet this mandate?
A. Set up a direct VPN tunnel between the government sites.
B. Upgrade all stand-alone systems to use mobile technologies.
C. Upgrade the operating systems on all of the web servers.
D. Reengineer the identification and authorization process.
Correct Answer: D


A cloud administrator is managing two private cloud environments. In cloud A, the disaster recovery solution has an SLA for RPO of five minutes and RTO of one hour. In cloud B, the disaster recovery solution has an SLA for RPO of one
hour and an RTO of 24 hours. A new customer\’s application requires that, in case of a disaster, no more than 15 minutes
of data can be lost, and it should be fully recovered within one day.
Which of the following would be the BEST approach to this application?
A. Tell the customer cloud A is the best solution
B. Put it in cloud B and ask the customer to create snapshots every 15 minutes
C. Both cloud A and cloud B would suit the customer\’s needs
D. Change the cloud B disaster recovery solution so RPO will be 15 minutes
Correct Answer: A


In short, our preparation material CV0-002 practice test can help you study for the CV0-002 exam. But these are not enough. Come and get the complete Pass4itSure CV0-002 exam dumps Our CV0-002 exam braindump gets a 100% pass guarantee. Pass the exam easily.